Tuarsahzi Tidbits

Fair Disclosure: The items that follow have been picked out of the X-Ray content available on the Orchids Ablaze ebook. So if you have that, there won’t be anything new here for you. Keep a lookout for other lore entries though! TUARSAHZI: A large desert realm inhabited by multiple semi-nomadic tribes; a generic term used […]

SWORD Part 2

Organization and Structure Each SWORD station is under the direct control of the Station Research Director (SRD), a position appointed by the SWORD Research Consultation Council (SRCC). Each Station Research Director serves until removed and exercises complete authority not only over the immediate assets of their station, but also any seconded, transferred or temporary assets […]

SWORD Part 1

SWORD Augment Designation (SAD) System Since there is no known way to predetermine the exact nature of an individual’s Augmentation even if the precipitating Aurorae Effect is known or can be reasonably assumed, the classification of Augmented individuals is based upon their evidenced abilities and general intent. These designations are used for filing, sorting and […]

SWORD Part 1

The Specialized Weaponry and Ordnance Research Directorate (SWORD) History and Function The current incarnation of SWORD began as the Special Augmentation Reconnaissance Initiative (SARI), an organization created under the joint oversight of NATO and INTERPOL. Augmentation is not geographically dependent, but Augments most often center their operations within a geographic and/or political boundary, therefore elements […]