Keeping Score 2020 v1.3

Exciting news! As I have discovered over and over again, most things take longer than it appeared during planning. That said, Orchids Ablaze is available now in paperback! A little behind my early April goal. but Amazon’s internal review is complete and it can be ordered online.

W + W + W

What a Weird World Weird seems such a ….small word to describe what the world is going through. It’s been a long time since my last update and I apologize for that. A family medical emergency completed unrelated to the COVID-19 naturally popped up right in the middle of 60% of the world closing up […]

A Bright Day

… and not just because the sun is shining down rather than raining! Orchids Ablaze Book News I’m excited that Orchids Ablaze has been selected by Chanticleer Reviews as a Semi-Finalist in the Paranormal Division! Of course I hoped I would end up at least in the semifinals, but it’s quite a different excitement to […]

Aurora City Toppers

From “The Constellation” (Fafnir Entertainment) Every year is an exciting year in Aurora City. Each one brings new opportunities. Here are a few of Aurora City’s finest that took those opportunities this past year. You’ll see plenty of old favorites, so let’s kick it up a notch, Auroreans, and get some new blood pumping this […]