The Aurora Aura

Excerpt from “Aurorae Effect Overview” [the Journal of Augmentation Research] … Human Augments receive their abilities by interacting with an Aurorae Effect. More commonly referred to as Aurora Portals, these shimmering curtains of energy appear at seemingly random intervals and random locations. The portals are not transparent and can be avoided or walked around like any […]

Support Systems

Everyone should have some type of support system, especially unpublished writers. It is fantastic to have friends that support your efforts in general, but in this day and age extended support systems are critical. I’m sure that certain types of support don’t vary overly much between traditional publishing and self-publishing. Regardless of what or how […]

Welcoming the New

What’s Behind Part of me is still amazed that an actual book has been produced. Not that I’ve cracked the NY Times best sellers list, but I’m excited to get more material out. Please join me in thanking the S4 team for all their help in 2018 (and 2019 in advance). I simply couldn’t make any of […]