Inspirations Pt. 3

The Bookshelves

Inspirations Part 1 was about the impact of libraries and books. Part 2 was about RPG book influences in particular. Favorite and inspirational comic books could fill more screens than most would want to read. So, for Part 3, I thought I’d be a little more specific about a few books and authors that made lasting impressions. Given my, ahem, experience, there’s a broad range, but perhaps some are unfamiliar and spark in interest in a reader or two. I could fill screen after screen with books I love, so I’ve tried to limit myself to a few of the more unusual.

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Technical Difficulties

This computerized age has a lot to offer. It also occasionally hands me a technical situation that I can’t call upon the expert assistance of the S4 team. Which is how I ended up recently spending two days – along with some lost skin and a few injudicious threats that probably weren’t appropriate directed toward inanimate objects – re-cabling my personal computer setup. Whee! (or please use whatever exclamation or sounds you prefer).

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It’s a Sound-Byte World

Or Not

Another thought that occasionally plagues my mind is how much time our visitors want to spend at E3ink. The most common advice I find for fledgling website writers is “content is king!” or my version of “post early, post often”. It’s a world where news is delivered in 5-minute segments, where advertisements take up more time and space than anything else and they are designed to attract attention in the shortest time possible. Quick, clean, simple and easy to understand are the bywords that approach the status of bylaws.

You’ve probably noticed that I break those laws on a frequent basis.

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Research Never Ends

Just When I Think So…

… it slaps me in the face again. Or at least it seems so. Every time I believe I have locked in enough information to drop the correct details into a story I manage to find something I missed. I’ve written three legends to go with the new book, I have an outline with chapter summaries and scene notes, so I’m feeling pretty good. That is, until I realize I need to find a ghost town somewhere in Arizona. Opening that search a little came up with some options, but nearly all of them are tourist attraction types and definitely not what I need for the story.

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A little WIP

Otherwise known as a Work In Progress… ain’t acronyms grand?

“Still Life”

A “Still Life” the term I use for small, short pieces that I create as writing exercises. Most often I concentrate on one scene, or even just a single image, to work on description, imagery, dialogue construction, or a specific aspect of writing. I challenge(d) myself to keep everything distilled down to the critical components of a technique (at least as I see them). Occasionally one of those exercises expands itself into something more than a set piece, but less than a short story.

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Keeping Score Pt. 2

Book 2 Revisited

The second book is moving along. I missed a few regular writing sessions from not feeling well and from attending a convention one weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed the convention and talked with interesting people excited about books. It was inspiring and a little frightening. There are a lot of talented people putting their books (and other works) on display. Making the rounds with an eye toward a table of my own in the future fired up some new ideas. I’ve got some work to do to be ready for a convention.

Time to get back to the hammering out Book #2!

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