A New Logo for E3ink!


Head’s up!  

You’re going to see our new logo appearing here and there on the site from now on.

Designed and built by one of our own, it sums up why we are here: writing and reading. E3ink isn’t solely about books, of course; that’s just where we got started. Fiction, poetry, lyrics, music, or anything else that strikes the team is liable to show up.

We’re interested in what about us interests you!

Through polls and other technical wizardry of the S4 team, we want to get your input on site content you’d like to see.  The first round of polls is over, but a few more are waiting in the wings, so come back often and help us out.

SWORD Part 2

Organization and Structure

Each SWORD station is under the direct control of the Station Research Director (SRD), a position appointed by the SWORD Research Consultation Council (SRCC). Each Station Research Director serves until removed and exercises complete authority not only over the immediate assets of their station, but also any seconded, transferred or temporary assets within the station’s operational envelope.

The SRD has considerable latitude in the exact organizational structure within their purview. Each station, however, is required to maintain seven (7) core Divisions:

  • Morale, Welfare and Recreations (MWR)
  • Education
  • Research, Development & Engineering
  • Field and Operational Testing (F&OT)
  • Public Affairs (PA)
  • Operations
  • Maintenance

Typical Station Table of Organization



Administrative assets are centralized within the SRD Office including: Legal, Budget & Acquisitions, and Records Management. Division Heads are responsible for organizing and staffing their Division in order to optimize results. Each Division manages its own budget and disbursements under the overall guidance of the Station Research Director. In keeping with the overall mission of SWORD, the Research, Development & Engineering Division is typically the largest and most compartmentalized of the divisions.

Field Offices

SWORD Field Offices do not maintain the personnel to accomplish the same mission as a SWORD station. Typically the Senior Research Officer or Senior Operations Officer of the Field Office reports to the nearest SWORD Station in the geographical area. Exceptions do exist, but generally are limited to purely research-oriented Field Offices.

Natural Miracles

No, not the fact that Lodge of the Wolf #2 is now ready to move from color-coded pens on graph paper to electronic publishing… although you could make an argument for that.

No, I was speaking literally. As I was attempting to conjure ever more fantastic imagery to enchant the next story with, I decided to take a break and eat. Not very remarkable so far, I’ll grant. However, as is often the case, I turned on the TV too. That’s when I dropped into the middle of a Planet Earth marathon. Thus…

Natural Miracles

The amazing photography and superb narration captured my attention and I nearly forgot to eat (nearly). I’ve seen many of them before, but this time I watched with an eye and ear toward writing. The transitions, pacing, and sheer variety of the content astonish me. As Sir David Attenborough disclosed the magic and majesty of the spinning rock which we inhabit I also realized, somewhat to my chagrin, that my imagination often pales alongside Mother Nature (or your deific/natural/scientific word term of choice). Humbling, yet also inspiring.

This isn’t a political statement. I don’t have a hidden agenda. As a matter of fact, I probably shouldn’t tell my readers that my imagination needs a spark every now and then. The fact of the matter is that I sat there utterly enthralled. That’s when I reaffirmed my goal: for my words to recreate that feeling of wonder and exploration and amazement. I promised myself to push and stretch and reach farther.

Everyone needs a little inspiration when the page is blank, the screen cursor is blinking monotonously, and the mouse seems to be laughing to itself.


SWORD Part 1

SWORD Augment Designation (SAD) System

Since there is no known way to predetermine the exact nature of an individual’s Augmentation even if the precipitating Aurorae Effect is known or can be reasonably assumed, the classification of Augmented individuals is based upon their evidenced abilities and general intent. These designations are used for filing, sorting and retrieval operations and may be accessed only through computer systems authorized and secured in accordance with SWORD Directive #4096.333 and related appendices.

Continue reading “SWORD Part 1”

Setting As Character

Character Settings

Batman = Gotham. Superman = Metropolis. As memorable as the characters I grew up reading, the settings for their adventures have taken on a life of their own. Our heroes may travel far and wide, but they always seem to return “home”. Occasionally the time is as important as the location a la the Legion of Super-Heroes. It’s lighting and backdrop and mood and an implied or created past, present and future. Can you imagine Batman’s Gotham filled with shining buildings, unending sunlight and parades that don’t immediately deteriorate into disaster? Can you imagine a Metropolis where it rains all the time, where all the buildings are run-down and abandoned?

Continue reading “Setting As Character”

SWORD Part 1

The Specialized Weaponry and Ordnance Research Directorate


History and Function

The current incarnation of SWORD began as the Special Augmentation Reconnaissance Initiative (SARI), an organization created under the joint oversight of NATO and INTERPOL. Augmentation is not geographically dependent, but Augments most often center their operations within a geographic and/or political boundary, therefore elements of SARI were embedded into NATO and Interpol field activities across the globe. Where possible, cooperative and mutually beneficial ventures with national governments were enabled as well.

Continue reading “SWORD Part 1”