Sequel Sorrows Part 1

Top 3 Beginning work on Book 2 of the Lodge of the Wolf has brought into sharp focus three specific items: A “Sophomore Slump” The movie sequel problem Duplication from Book 1 The first two bullets really boil down the same question: can I write another book at least as good as the first one. […]

It’s a Sound-Byte World

Or Not Another thought that occasionally plagues my mind is how much time our visitors want to spend at E3ink. The most common advice I find for fledgling website writers is “content is king!” or my version of “post early, post often”. It’s a world where news is delivered in 5-minute segments, where advertisements take […]

Keeping Score Pt. 2

Book 2 Revisited The second book is moving along. I missed a few regular writing sessions from not feeling well and from attending a convention one weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed the convention and talked with interesting people excited about books. It was inspiring and a little frightening. There are a lot of talented people putting […]