Starting with a bang

Fight Scenes I don’t think it’s giving too much away at this point to say that Book 2: Chapter 1 currently is one big battle. I wanted to start things off with a, literal, bangĀ  However, as I near the end of the first cut of Chapter 1, it is beginning to feel very long. […]

Jagged Origins Update

Origin Story Update I’ve been working on the short pieces that I intend to share with you, kind reader, on the website. After re-reading the character origin “excerpts” for Constance Sorrow and Twilight Huntress, I fear I fractured a golden rule. It isn’t broken completely, but there’s definitely room for improvement. The Twilight on the […]

Keeping Score (Interim)

Only a quick update for this session. The first cut at the prologue is now complete at around 1600 words. It may be a little on the long side for a prologue. Given previous drafts, I’m estimating those 1600 words will drop to around 1200 to 1300 “keepers” in the final version. That’s a reasonable […]