Organization and Structure
Each SWORD station is under the direct control of the Station Research Director (SRD), a position appointed by the SWORD Research Consultation Council (SRCC). Each Station Research Director serves until removed and exercises complete authority not only over the immediate assets of their station, but also any seconded, transferred or temporary assets within the station’s operational envelope.
The SRD has considerable latitude in the exact organizational structure within their purview. Each station, however, is required to maintain seven (7) core Divisions:
- Morale, Welfare and Recreations (MWR)
- Education
- Research, Development & Engineering
- Field and Operational Testing (F&OT)
- Public Affairs (PA)
- Operations
- Maintenance
Typical Station Table of Organization
Administrative assets are centralized within the SRD Office including: Legal, Budget & Acquisitions, and Records Management. Division Heads are responsible for organizing and staffing their Division in order to optimize results. Each Division manages its own budget and disbursements under the overall guidance of the Station Research Director. In keeping with the overall mission of SWORD, the Research, Development & Engineering Division is typically the largest and most compartmentalized of the divisions.
Field Offices
SWORD Field Offices do not maintain the personnel to accomplish the same mission as a SWORD station. Typically the Senior Research Officer or Senior Operations Officer of the Field Office reports to the nearest SWORD Station in the geographical area. Exceptions do exist, but generally are limited to purely research-oriented Field Offices.