Port Kirby to Aurora City
What would become Aurora City began as Port Kirby on the Tchalitkee River. The port was originally built to handle trade in furs (deer, beaver, fox and bear) and lumber (white ash, yellow birch, hickory, chestnut) moving east to the coast. “Luxuries” and equipment were shipped inland from more industrial cities. The location was one of the few along the Tchalitkee River that was deep and wide enough to easily handle the shipping.
In the modern era, Aurora City was built outward from the original port. The port was renamed the Port Gateway Marine Terminal (Port Gateway). The Tchalitkee River formed the southern boundary for Aurora City. Completion of the Aurora International Airport drove development south of the river. The area south of the river became known as the Lockeheart District while the original city north of the river became the Aurora District. The name Aurora City refers to the combination of both core districts.
With very little available room to expand to the east, the majority of development outside of the city bounds proper spread westward. This became part of the Greater Metropolitan Area. The establishment of the Strategic Weapon and Ordnance Research Directorate (SWORD)’s facility, officially named SWORD Station Aaron – though sometimes referred to locally as SWORD Base Aaron – effectively marked the limit of westward expansion. South of the river, Lockeheart District continues to expand slightly eastward, putting pressure upon the Emerald Hills Preserve, but primarily development is progressing southward to take advantage of the natural geography. In accordance with the original development plan for the region, the southern boundary of the Greater Metro area is Lake Inspiration.