Aurora City is the home of the Augmented and the primary setting for tales from The Jagged Earth story world.
Located in the Jigsaw Range of the southeast Appalachian Mountains, Aurora City proper consists of two districts that cover nearly 220 square miles. The greater metro area adds over 700 square miles. Total population at the last census was 1.9 million with over 920 thousand living in Aurora and Lockeheart districts combined. This map provides an overall view of the major natural features and primary transportation routes, as well as major features of the city.
The Tchalitkee River runs generally west to east through the Jigsaw Range of the Appalachians, flowing through the Sequoyah Gorge and separating the two main districts of Aurora City. The Port Gateway Marine Terminal (PGMT) handles large freight and cargo going in and out of the city. The Aurora District is the older part of the city, but has been rebuilt multiple times to take advantage of newer technology. The Lockeheart District, or simply Lockeheart, lies south of the Tchalitkee River. It was officially recognized and made part of the city forty years or so after the modern-day Aurora City was established. Like the Aurora District, renovations and improvements never seem to stop.
Author’s note: Aurora City is not intended to mirror or resemble any real city. I have 3-ring binders full of maps, points of interest, roads and subways, and other setting elements to make it feel like one. I truly enjoy putting together a coherent whole for characters to interact with.